Community Inclusion


Maple Program is a Community Inclusion Service funded by Community Living BC to provide a variety of in program activities and community based activities. With a focus on finding preferences and creating person centered plans, Maple focuses on participant interests and strengths to create person-centred activity and support plans.

Support workers assess and remove barriers to accessing the community for participants, many of whom face greater-than-typical challenges to accessing and participating in their community.

How to access MACL’s Maple Program:

Referral agency: Community Living BC (CLBC)
For more information contact us

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Cedar Program is a Community Inclusion Service that is funded by Community Living BC to provide a blend of skill development, discovery, transit training, community education and community access (via transit), with the goal of increasing independence in the community and employment readiness.  

How to access MACL’s Cedar Program:

Referral agency: Community Living BC (CLBC)
For more information contact us Contact Us


Oak Program is a Community Inclusion program funded by Community Living BC to provide programming that focuses on building on social and relational skills. Activities take place in program or out in the community and include a variety of learning and recreational activities.

With a focus on finding preferences and creating person centered plans, Oak focuses on participant interests and strengths to create person-centred activity and support plans.

How to access MACL’s Oak Program:

Referral agency: Community Living BC (CLBC)
For more information contact us

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