

Partnering with Local Businesses and Enterprises

MACL Employment Services partners with local businesses and enterprises to meet the employment goals of individuals while working with employers to identify needs/gaps in their workforce.

Our service is available to individuals who have a developmental disability and support is provided to employers to match identified labour skill shortages with individual interests and abilities.

Our belief is that a strong and healthy community values and embraces inclusion and respects diversity in our citizens.

Some positive benefits to your local business include

  • potential cost savings in recruitment and training
  • a skilled labour pool and recognition of workplace diversity
  • better team morale and employee motivation

How to access MACLs Employment Services:

Referral agency: Community Living BC (CLBC)
For more information contact us Contact Us

Our service will work with you to meet your business needs by

  • pre-screening potential applicants to meet your business requirements
  • providing job training on-site as needed, for your employee
  • providing assistance to the new employee to meet your business standards, policies, learn new skills and job duties
  • offering ongoing support & consultation to ensure your employer needs are being met

For more information on Employment Services, best practices and success stories click here.