

The program

Supported Living Services is an outreach program funded by Community Living BC to meet the unique needs of adults with intellectual disabilities who live on their own or who are preparing to live on their own in the near future


Support workers assist people living in the community to maintain and increase their independence, keep up their homes and engage in daily living activities. Some of the areas Individuals receiving this service can be supported include:  
  • Assistance with medical appointments and planning.
  • Support to plan meals and buy food/other necessities.
  • Assistance with budgeting, personal banking, and other financial issues.
  • Support with BC Housing and/or landlord and building requirements.
  • Resources for community-based social programs.
  • Support to find appropriate housing.

What we do

Our responsibility is to be responsive, empathic and accountable. We recognize each individual may need more support at different times in their lives, so frequency and duration is sometimes determined by an immediate need. For example, the person may be facing homelessness, a medical emergency or a mental health issue that may require more support and/or advocacy.

How to access MACL's Supported Living Services

Please contact Community Living BC (CLBC) at (604) 870-5900 to determine eligibility and ask for a referral. CLBC manages all referrals and the waitlist for this program.